On Wednesday, April 25th, 2018, the DADSS Program had the pleasure of presenting at the Vision Zero and the Result Conference 2017 (Resultatkonferens) in Stockholm at the Swedish Transportation Administration. With over 250 influencers in the international Road Safety space in attendance, the conference was an opportunity for the Swedish Transportation Administration to present the status report for their Vision Zero initiative in 2017. Overall, it was reported that the number of deaths and severe injuries dropped in 2017, with the number of reported deaths hitting 253 — the lowest since the 1940s. The conference served as a review of the goals set by Vision Zero to reduce the number of traffic fatalities by 50% by 2020, and a moving reminder of the work that remains to be done in order to achieve this goal.
At the conference, Rob Strassburger, president and CEO of ACTS, delivered a status report on the DADSS Research Program alongside Raimo Gester of Senseair, the company developing the breath-based sensors. We are proud to continue our work toward a world without drunk driving alongside some of the most influential actors in traffic safety worldwide.